Wednesday, January 5

Tamarind BBQ tempeh and sweet potatoes

One of my new year's resolutions is to make at least one recipe from every cookbook I own. Hopefully reading through and trying so many new recipes will inspire my cooking creativity and expand my go-to recipe repertoire.

First up: Isa Chandrea Moskowitz's latest book, Appetite for Reduction. I made the Tamarind BBQ Tempeh and Sweet Potatoes and added chopped raw kale before baking. It turned out really well and was easy to make.

My one complaint is my own fault-- when reading the recipe I saw the numerical "25 minutes" and skimmed right over the additional, written-out "half an hour," so we ended up eating dinner way too late. What I love about the cookbook is that just about every recipe that isn't inherently gluten-free offers suggestions at the top to make it so. Lovely touch!

Tamarind BBQ

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Photos, original recipes and text © Susan Kelley 2012. All rights reserved. Please credit me and link back to this site, or ask first.

Always read ingredient labels carefully (and re-read periodically) to make sure that products actually are vegan and/or gluten-free.